Safe Use of Gas Appliances in Your Home
We have talked about gas appliances before but with winter upon us it warrants mentioning a few key points again.
Many Albertans have multiple different gas appliances in their homes. Natural gas appliances, although more expensive to purchase and install, over time, are more economical. Gas, however, takes the trophy as more eco-friendly! In particular, Gas Dryers, use 30% less energy than electric ones. That reduces your carbon footprint!
Some things to consider when you have gas appliance:
Examples of gas appliances include furnace, hot water heaters, BBQ, clothes dryers, stoves, fireplaces. Any fuel burning device has the potential to produce carbon monoxide.
Carbon Monoxide detectors should be placed in every bedroom or room where someone is sleeping. They should also be placed on every floor of your home.
If battery operated, these batteries should be changed every 6 months to ensure the detector works when needed.
***Safety Note – Most Carbon Monoxide detectors expire after 5-7 years. Most have an expiry date stamped on them.
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